Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held September 12, 2017
Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:08pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman Street. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke. Also in attendance were D/C D. Davidson, FF. J. Adams and FF/PM B. Samuel. FF. R. Davis and FF. B. Crosby arrived at 7:15pm.
Audience Participation:
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve minutes of the August 8, 2017 meeting. Voice vote: all ayes, motion approved 3-0.
Discuss vehicle maintenance program – status report:
B/C Pierce submitted a detailed written report outlining the current status of each department vehicle, along with a plan for future maintenance and repairs. D/C Davidson reported that Tanker 778 was out of service for alternator repairs when annual pump testing was scheduled. Tanker 778 missed having its pump tested. The test will need to be rescheduled. D/C Davidson also reported that Waterway Company has been contracted to conduct hose, ground ladder and pump testing on all District apparatus. Tower 783 is scheduled to go to Wirfs for aerial ladder testing along with pump testing and preventative maintenance. FF. J Adams spoke about needed repairs to pump on a brush truck. Trustees and staff discussed the value of repairs vs. replacement of the pump. D/ C Davidson will research the cost estimate of each.
Adopt standardized pay scale:
Trustee Clarke suggested eliminating the flat rate of pay for call backs and training sessions. Each member will be paid, based on their years of service and certification level, according to the Pay Scale adopted during 2007/08. Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to approve the standardized pay scale. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Payment of Bills:
Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to approve payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $38,425.45. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
• Fire Chief: No report.
• Deputy Fire Chief: D/C Davidson attended a meeting at NERCOM to discuss problematic dispatching of emergencies. He stated that Harvard, Marengo, Woodstock and Union are forming a work group to address concerns. Separate tones for still alarms and general alarms are being considered.
• Battalion Chief: No report.
• Training officer: D/C Davidson informed the Board that there are 2 personnel attending the Firefighter Academy, and 2 Lieutenants attending Tactic and Strategy 1 classes. He further identified two members who are certified to conducted school fire and life safety inspections. D/C Davidson to determine if these members are capable of conducting inspections for the District.
• Fire /Rescue Association: No report. Trustees inquired about an employee recognition dinner.
• Building Maintenance: D/C Davidson is researching the possibility of installing an electronic message sign in front of the station. Condon reported that landscaping around the fire station and flag pole is scheduled for September. Condon stated that Blue Ribbon Electric was installing gutter tapes beginning on September 3rd. Condon also suggests relocating the bell to a more suitable location.
• Billing/Records Clerk: A written report was submitted to the Board identifying the billing for ambulance services, and the amounts received for said bills. Trustees discussed options to improve the District’s rate of return.
• Treasurers Report: Carbonetti presented current balance sheet and budget documents. Carbonetti presented the preliminary draft of the annual audit. Carbonetti presented the preliminary draft of the 2018 levy for the 2017 tax year.
New Business:
Clarke presented to the Board a proposal from FGM Architects to conduct a facility needs study. This topic is to be included on October’s agenda for action.
Discuss Fire Service Grants:
Clarke encouraged the District to utilize all interested members to write grants for equipment and/or training.
Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to adjourn meeting at 7:55pm. All ayes, motion approved 3-0. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved: ______________________________