Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held October 10, 2017
Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:04 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 503 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke. Also in attendance were D/C Davidson, B/C Pierce, FF/PM Perkins, FF. J. Adams and Jeri Loiselle. FF. Gerrish arrived at 7:20 pm.
Audience Participation: None
Discussion on procedure for tracking fire and ems reports:
Carbonetti expressed his concern regarding untimely response to Freedom of Information Act requests for fire incidents reports. Carbonetti wants District personnel to complete the reports promptly, and to provide said reports to persons entitled to the reports without the need to file a FOIA request. B/C Peirce stated that reports are to be completed within 2 to 3 days, with the exception of certain incidents (death, high fire loss) requiring longer. D/C Davidson informed the Board that additional training will be conducted. Condon stated that the person in charge of the emergency scene is responsible to see that the incident report is completed. Clarke suggested that a procedure be established by staff to track incident reports and identify missing documents. It may be possible to do this through our Firehouse computer program.
Approval of minutes:
Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the September 12, 2017 meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve contract with FGM Architects:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve proposal from FGM Architects for conducting a facility needs study on the District fire station. The cost for this study shall not exceed $5,000.00. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve membership in the Northern Illinois Alliance of Fire Protection Districts:
Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve joining the Northern Illinois Alliance of Fire Protection Districts. A discussion was held regarding the benefits of the NIAFPD to the members and residents of the District. Voice vote all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Tax Levy Ordinance:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve tax levy ordinance 17-003. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve payment of Bills:
Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $55,587.34. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
- Fire Chief: Reported via email to Condon. Condon read report to the Board.
- Condolences to B/C Pierce and Lt. Pierce on the loss of their father.
- Apparatus preventative maintenance up to speed.
- Paid on Premise shifts have improved with the additional personnel.
- More work is needed on getting personnel to respond on call backs.
- Schools: 3 in paramedic school, 2 in the fire academy, and 2 in fire officer training.
- Deputy Fire Chief:
- Discussed the opportunity to recruit a Fire Department Chaplin.
- 4 to 5 weeks until delivery of new ambulance.
- 2 applications pending for new members to the Department.
- Presented three proposals for electronic public information sign for in front of the station.
- Battalion Chief: No report. Left meeting to respond on an emergency call.
- Training officer: No report.
- Fire /Rescue Association: Perkins and Gerrish requested financial assistance with appreciation dinner and awards ceremony.
- Building Maintenance:. Condon reported that landscaping around the fire station and flag pole has been completed. Condon reports that Blue Ribbon Electric has finished installing gutter tapes. Blue Ribbon Electric also to look at light fixtures above the ambulance bays.
- Billing/Records Clerk: Requested to be informed when incident reports cannot be completed in the usual time frame.
- Treasurers Report: Carbonetti presented current balance sheet and budget documents.
New business: None