Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held June 13, 2017
Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:10 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke. Also in attendance were D/C D. Davidson, FF/PM M. Adams, FF/PM M. Perkins and FF. K Bough.
Audience Participation: None
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the May 1, 2017 meeting. Voice vote: all ayes, motion approved 3-0.
Approve Budget and Appropriation:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 17-001. Carbonetti, aye; Condon, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Prevailing Wage Ordinance:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve Prevailing Wage Ordinance 17-002. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Payment of Bills:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $129,766.72. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Closed Session for the purpose of Employee Discipline or Termination
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to remove the Closed Session section from this Agenda. Voice vote: all ayes, motion approved 3-0.
Disciplinary Action, Termination and/or Change of Status for Certain Employees
D/C Davidson forwarded to the Board, on behalf of Chief Harter, his recommendation that FF/PM Ryan Kurth and FF Mike Vest be terminated because they were unable to meet the minimum standard as established by Rockford Mercy Healthcare EMS system. D/C Davidson explained about new protocol training mandatory to all fire and EMS personnel. He further identified the many opportunities for training sessions afforded to members. Kurth and Vest did not attend the necessary training sessions. Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to terminate the employment status of R. Kurth and M. Vest. Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Condon reported to the Board on the topic of Mandatory Retirement Age for members of the District. Per Illinois State Statute (70 ILCS 705/16.13b) a firefighter must retire no later than 65 years of age. Condon identified that FF Gary Hildreth is more than 65 years of age. Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to place FF Hildreth on Inactive Status. Voice vote: all ayes, motion approved 3-0.
- Deputy Fire Chief: D/C Davidson: 1.Compliments our members for a very successful Milk Day Event. “A good job!”; 2. Acknowledges the benefits of having a 4th on duty personnel 24/7; 3. Received a letter of appreciation from the event manager at the Tough Mudder event conduct last weekend; 4. Engine 741 going for repairs on Friday, June 16, 2017, and will be gone for approximately two weeks; 5. Identified the need for replacing Engine 741 in the near future; 6. Reported on a Public Safety meeting will the Harvard Police Chief and Deputy Police Chief; 7. Requested that repairs be made to the air compressor in the north apparatus bay..
- Battalion Chief: Per D/C Davidson, B/C B. Pierce has been assigned the duties of Workmen’s Compensation compliance.
- Training officer: 1. D/C Davidson reports that the preparation of training record has been delegated to Lt. M. Veronese; 2. Daytime training session will soon begin.
- Fire /Rescue Association: FF/PM M. Adams spoke regarding: 1. Asking for cooperation from the Board in hosting an employee recognition dinner sometime in 2017; 2. The Association would like to begin recognizing personnel for their years of service with gifts/awards.
- Building Maintenance: Per D/C Davidson: 1. Two heavy duty refrigerators have been order for the station; 2. A new bed have been purchase for the 4th on duty person; 3. Compressor pump to be ordered; 4. Landscaping has been completed around outside display sign; 5. Chief Harter is considering what to do to maintain the fire bell; 6. An estimate will be obtained for the purchase and installation of a new public information sign.
- Treasurers Report: The District received notice from the Harvard State Bank indicating the Bank will be selling their Trust Department to the Home State Bank of Crystal Lake, Illinois effective June 30, 2017. Carbonetti wants the Board to consider this matter in the future.
New Business:
Clarke looked into the “Hourly Pricing” program offered by Commonwealth Edison for electric service to the fire station. He believes it will save the District money as compared to current charges. Clarke will bring enrollment forms to July’s meeting.
Clarke spoke about a letter received from the Illinois State Fire Marshal’s Office. He interpreted the letter as identifying the roles and responsibilities of the OSFM.
FF K. Bough to coordinate the assistance of paramedic students from Rockford Mercy to assist with EMS service at Balloon Fest.
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to adjourn meeting. All ayes, motion approved 3-0. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved: ______________________________