Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes

Held January 16, 2018

Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 7:05 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke.  Also in attendance were Chief Harter, D/C Davidson, FF. Bough, FF. Gerrish, FF. Leipnitz, Roger Hugg (resident) and Lindsay Morris (Andres Medical Billing).

Audience Participation: None

Approval of minutes:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the December 5, 2017, Board of Trustees meeting. Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve a cost-of-living adjustment and pay scale restructure: 

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to approve a cost-of-living adjustment to the new hire, firefighter/EMT position, and a restructure of the entire pay scale based on years of service and qualifications.  Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes.  Motion approved 3-0.

New Automatic Aid/Response Agreement with the Woodstock FPD:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve Resolution 2018-1 adopting an Automatic Aid Agreement and Addendum with the Woodstock Fire Protection District.  Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve ambulance billing contract:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve a contractual agreement with Andres Medical Billing (AMB) for the purpose of collecting fees for various emergency medical services. The length of the contract is five years. The fees are 4.5% of net revenue collected.

Lindsay Morris, representing AMB, introduced herself to the Board. A discussion took place between Board members, staff and MS. Morris. It was requested that AMB advance the startup date for services to assist with current bills. Ms. Morris stated that work would begin in the next few days. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve Proclamation to adopt an Anti-Harassment Policy:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to adopt a HFPD Anti-Harassment Policy.  Recently the State of Illinois Legislature adopted a new law requiring fire protection districts to update anti-harassment policies. After legal review, a new/revised policy has been drafted.  Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve hiring of grant writer:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to hire John Schuldt (retired fire chief) to prepare and submit the necessary documents to obtain financial grants from FEMA and the Illinois State Fire Marshal. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve hiring of new personnel:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to hire Tom Brown for the position of firefighter/paramedic. Mr. Brown has previous experience with the Woodstock Fire Protection District, and also Northwest Rescues Services. Mr. Brown has performed as an EMS educator. Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved.

Accept the resignations from personnel:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to regretfully accept resignations from Vicki Spraker and Bobby Samuel. Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved.

Approve payment of Bills:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve the payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $242,395.67.  The payment of $213,158.00 for a new ambulance was included. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes. Motion approved 3-0.


  • Fire Chief:
  1. 3 embers have successfully completed paramedic school, and are currently taking their national exams.
  2. Montana Anderson and Bryton Crosby recently graduated firefighter academy.
  3. Leslie Ingersoll and David Anaya have begun the fire academy.
  4. Staff continues to work on the 2018/2019 budget proposal. Approximately 85% complete. Looking at new phone system for the station.
  5. Responded on a recent entrapment accident (Rt. 14 & Oak Grove) during inclement weather. Chief feels personnel performed excellent.
  6. New ambulance is waiting on approval from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
  7. HFPD potentially hosting an EMT class in the fall of 2018.
  8. There were no issues will the fleet of equipment last month.
  • Deputy Fire Chief:
  1. New Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) is forthcoming.
  2. Police Chief Krause is now a member of the ESTB Board.
  3. Discussed the benefits of MD-1. A medical doctor service offered by Mercy Health Systems.
  4. A noticeable improvement in department morale has been observed.
  • Battalion Chief: No report.
  • Training officer:
  1. Dispatch supervisor to meet with HFPD personnel on 1/17/18 to discuss operations and difficulties.
  2. West Group (Harvard, Marengo, Union and Woodstock FPDs) are meeting often.
  3. Joint training session with Woodstock Fire Protection District to take place in 2018.
  • Fire /Rescue Association Gerrish is working on reimbursing the District for ½ of the expenses for the employee recognition party.
  • Building Maintenance: Clarke reported that the facility study from FGM will be arriving soon.
  • Billing/Records Clerk: None
  • Correspondence: Condon to respond to email received from a resident last month pertaining to a residence on Dunham Road.
  • Treasurers Report: Carbonetti submitted current balance sheet and budget documents.  A discussion was held regarding a lawsuit seeking relief from property taxes.

New business:  None.


Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to adjourn meeting at 8:19pm. All ayes, motion approved 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Joseph Clarke, Sec.

Date approved: ____________________________________