Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes

Held February 13, 2018

Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 7:05 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke.  Also in attendance were Chief Harter, D/C Davidson, Lt. N. Pierce, FF/PM Perkins, FF. M. Adams, and Roger Hugg (resident).

Audience Participation: None

Approval of minutes:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the January 16, 2018, Board of Trustees meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve amendments to Charges for Emergency Medical Services ordinance: 

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to approve Ordinance 18-003, titled Charges for Emergency Medical Services for the Harvard Fire Protection District. The amendments to the ordinance were necessary to identify fees currently being charged for EMS services. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes.  Motion approved 3-0.

Approve payment of Bills:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to approve the payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $36,408.87.  Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes. Motion approved 3-0.


  • Fire Chief:
  1. Previous month was busy with fire and EMS incidents. All were handled well.
  2. FF Kara Bough passed the paramedic exam.
  3. Met with Mercy EMS Director. Mercy is committed to conducting an EMT class in Harvard during the Fall of 2018.
  4. Proposed budget is 98% complete.
  • Deputy Fire Chief:
  1. Approximately $8000.00 is being budgeted for new phone system.
  2. Two personnel are attending the Fire Academy.
  3. Attended a meeting with Police Chief Krause regarding active shooter training drill to be conducted at Harvard public schools.


  • Battalion Chief: Chief Harter stated that B/C B. Pierce has been assigned to address the Dunham Road Properties special use request and related use group changes.
  • Training officer:
  1. Department members will be touring Dean Foods in Chemung this month.
  2. The District has the opportunity to conduct live fire training in an abandoned house this spring/summer.
  • Fire /Rescue Association: (FF/PM Perkins had to leave the meeting to respond on an emergency.). No report given.
  • Building Maintenance:
  1. Condon reports that roof ice melt system was turned off, resulting in large icicles. The equipment has been turned on. Condon to see if this equipment can be made automatic.
  2. Hartwig Heating is repairing unit heaters in the apparatus floors.
  3. Overhead garage door was damaged in the south bays. Chief Harter is conducting an investigation. Report to be provided to the trustees.
  • Billing/Records Clerk: None
  • Correspondence: None
  • Treasurers Report: Carbonetti submitted current balance sheet and budget documents.

Old business:

  • Call-back Pay Policy review: The scheduled six month review of the call-back pay incentive was discussed.  Clarke indicated that early during the evaluation period the policy didn’t meet its’ intended objective of increasing personnel responding to General Alarms. Clarke further stated that recently an improvement has been observed following the restructure of the pay scale. Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to extend the call-back pay policy for an additional six months.  Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
  • Policy and Procedures Manual: A motion to approve amendments to the policy manual was tabled for further consideration at the August 8, 2017 Board meeting. Clarke presented to Chief Harter a list of suggested changes to current language in the policy manual.  Clarke also offered written suggestions on items to include in a rules and regulations manual, and suggestions regarding improvements to SOG manual. D/C Davidson requested clarification on whose responsibility it was to write policy.  Clarke indicated a desire to review the chief’s recommendations before the Board writes policies.  Chief Harter to have his staff address the list.

New business:  Clarke asked if the District does performance evaluations of personnel.  Chief Harter indicated that evaluations were done at irregular intervals.   Clarke asked if the Board has conducted performance evaluations in the past.  Condon indicated that the Board had not previously conducted written evaluations, but verbal one were completed. Carbonetti stated he will investigate options available to document performance criteria.  Chief Harter to discuss this topic with staff.


Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to adjourn meeting at 8::05pm. All ayes, motion approved 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Joseph Clarke, Sec.

Date approved: ____________________________________