Minutes from February 2017 Trustee meeting
Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes Held February 14, 2017
President Condon called the regular meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 P.M. Present were trustees Carbonetti, and Condon. Trustee Perenchio was absent. Also present was Fire Chief Harter and Battalion Chief Davidson.
Audience Participation
Approve minutes from January 10, 2017 meeting
Moved by Carbonetti seconded by Condon to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2017 regular meeting as presented. Voice vote; all ayes motion approved
Approve Zoll billing contract
Moved by Condon, seconded by Carbonetti to approve the revised contact from Zoll. Roll call vote; Carbonetti aye; Condon aye; motion approved 2 to O.
Approve Bridge Contract for McHenry Dispatch
Moved by Condon, seconded by Carbonetti to approve a onetime payment of $1275.00 to Radicom for the bridge for dispatching. Roll call vote; Carbonetti aye; Condon aye; motion approved 2 to 0.
Discussion on letter and invoice from McHenry County Trustees Association
A letter and invoice for dues for $200 was received from the trustee association. They also asked if the district wished to remain a member since we have not attended any meetings. After discussing the matter it was felt that remaining a member was of no benefit to the district, Trustee Carbonetti will send them a letter advising that we no longer wish to remain a member.
Accept letter of resignation
Moved by Condon, seconded by Carbonetti, to accept a letter of resignation with regrets from FF/PM Aaron Phil and a letter of resignation from Introductory Employee Andrew Hansen. Voice vote; all ayes motion approved 2 to 0.
Approve payment of invoices
Moved by Carbonetti, seconded by Condon approve the payment of bills totaling $44,641.88 for Jan 12, through Feb 14, 2017. Roll call vote; Carbonetti aye; Condon aye; motion approved 2 to 0.
- Fire Chief Harter: He has received quotes for the replacing the heaters in the north and south bays. At the present time all the heaters are working, replacing them will be part of the 2017/18 budget discussion. The gas monitor had to be replaced. The officers are contacting inactive personnel about their interest. 3 personnel are attending the day paramedic class at Mercy Rockford.
- Battalion Chief Davidson: Don met with the community outreach officer from the High School about recruiting students to become FF/Paramedics. ISIF will be conducting 2 classes in Harvard this spring
- Building Maintenance Trustee Condon reported that the painting is completed, a hood will be installed in the Kitchen over the stove, and quotes have been requested for replacing the heat tape in the gutters, and the counter tops in the men’s and women’s washrooms.
- Treasurer Report; written budget and asset report submitted
- Dispatch: BC Davidson reported that the second Call One line has been disconnected.
- Website: The trustees requested that the new website be completed and functioning by Feb 28.
Moved by Condon, seconded by Carbonetti, to adjourn at 7:15 PM. Roll call vote; Carbonetti aye; Condon aye; motion approved 2 to 0.
Respectfully submitted
Jim Carbonetti
Acting sec.
Date Approved 3/14/2017