Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes

Held December 5, 2017

Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:08 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 503 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, and Clarke.  Trustee Carbonetti was notified absent.  Also in attendance were Chief Harter, D/C Davidson, FF/PM Perkins and FF. Mackie.

Audience Participation: None

Approval of minutes:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the   November 14, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 2-0.

New Automatic Aid/Response Agreement with the Woodstock FPD:

The terms of the Auto Aid Agreement were discussed between the trustees and chief officers.  The language identifying the types of emergency assistance to be offered between the Harvard Fire Protection District and the Woodstock Fire Protection District were determined to be appropriate.  Trustee Clarke raised a concern about the lack of a “Billing Agreement” for ambulance services.  Clarke felt a Billing Agreement should be incorporated into this document.  Trustee Condon stated he would contact legal counsel for an opinion. Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to table further consideration on the Auto Aid Agreement until the January 16, 2018 meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 2-0.

Approve payment of Bills:

Motion was made by Condon and seconded by Clarke to approve the payment of invoices for service and materials, as amended totaling $21,907.76.  Condon, aye: Clarke, aye.  Motion approved 2-0.


  • Fire Chief:
  1. Reported on recent fire activity. Chief feels personnel are performing well.
  2. The P-O-P program is working out well for staffing needs.
  3. Repairs to the pump of the grass truck are taking place.
  4. Staff is working on the 2018/2019 budget proposal.
  5. The public education and public relations activities have been exceptional. Participation in the Christmas parade was identified as an example.
  • Deputy Fire Chief:
  1. New ambulance is having graphics applied at the factory. Radios will be installed once the vehicle is delivered. Additional equipment will have to be installed on the stretcher from Amb 751 before it can be used on the new ambulance.  The District will be able to keep Amb 751 (trade-in) for a short time after the new ambulance is deliviered.  This will allow for the new ambulance to be inspected.
  • Battalion Chief: No report.
  • Training officer:
  1. Rock River EMS is considering conducting an EMT class to be held at the Harvard fire station during 2018.
  2. 3 paramedic students graduating on December 14, 2017. A discussion on having a chief officer present at the graduation took place.
  3. 2 personnel in fire academy are graduating. Good evaluations received from instructors.
  4. Department to enroll 3 students in the January 16, 2018 Fire Academy.
  • Fire /Rescue Association:
  1. Mackie reports that ½ of the department’s personnel have replied that they will be attending the employee recognition party. Hebron ambulance will cover the station so on duty personnel may attend.
  2. Honorary Member Gary Hildreth to receive a fire axe in recognition for his years of service to the District.
  3. There have been many positive posts on Facebook about services offered by the Harvard firefighters and paramedics.
  4. Personnel will be manning Salvation Army kettles this Christmas season.
  5. The “Snowball Dance” for adults and children with special needs had several district personnel working as chaperones.
  • Building Maintenance:. Clarke reported that the facility study from FGM will be arriving soon.  Chief Harter spoke about attempting to build a training tower on the pad site, east of the station.  The Army Corp of Engineers said the site can’t be built upon.  FGM is looking into options for this site.
  • Billing/Records Clerk: None
  • Correspondence: None
  • Treasurers Report: Condon presented current balance sheet and budget documents.




New business:

Condon spoke about the good decision making made by personnel based on dispatch information.  The correct apparatus are responding to emergency incidents.

Clarke inquired about the number of personnel reporting on call backs to man equipment while the P-O-P personnel are committed to an emergency incident.  D/C Davidson identified the personnel who do report; some from outside the district.  Condon sees improvement when compared to previous years.  Chief Harter is to notify/encourage all personnel to put forth their best effort to staff reserve equipment (ambulance, engine) while on duty personnel are working an incident.


Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to adjourn meeting at 7:35pm. All ayes, motion approved 2-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Joseph Clarke, Sec.

Date approved: ____________________________________