Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held April 11, 2017
President Condon called the regular meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 PM in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Perenchio. Also in attendance were B/C D. Davidson and Lts. N. Pierce and J. Adams.
Audience Participation:
B/C Daniel Danczyk read a letter of his resignation from the Harvard Fire Protection District. B/C Danczyk was thanked by the Board for his 30 years of service and leadership to the District.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Carbonetti to approve the minutes of the March14, 2017 meeting. Voice vote; all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve ordering new ambulance:
Motion made by Perenchio and seconded by Condon to approve ordering a new ambulance May 1, 2017 under the Northwest Consortium bid of $185,000. The ambulance will be on a Ford E series chasis with a gasoline engine and a Horton EMS compartment. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Perenchio, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve May Meeting Date change:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve changing the May meeting to May 1, 2017. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Transferring Funds for Ambulance Purchase:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve transferring $150,000 from the Trust Account to the General Fund Account to pay for new ambulance. This transfer is in the form of a loan from one account to the other with a 3 year term of payback. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Perenchio, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Resolution to oppose SB 1335:
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to have Legal compose a resolution to oppose SB 1335 and forward to Senators Melinda Bush of Grayslake and Pamela Althoff of McHenry. This Bill would financially adversely affect the District, to require a 17.4% pension contribution of any POP employee who is covered by the Downstate Pension rules. It would also require a 9.4% contribution by the employee. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Perenchio, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Approve Payment of Bills:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $21,525.68. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Perenchio, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
- Fire Chief: 1).Requested a change in District Policy Manual for new Officer structure of: Chief, Deputy Chief, one (1)Battalion Chief, and two (2) Lieutenants. Request will be included for next meeting for approval. 2). Submitted Department calls for service data for January, February and March.
- Battalion Chief: 1). B/C Davidson has been working with AV company to repair AV equipment. Equipment possibly damage by recent electrical issues. 2). Read quote from Fox Valley Alarm for extensive repair to fire alarm system. Discussion held regarding need and/or requirement of system. Trustee Carbonetti will check with City on BOCA compliance or need.
- Training officer: 1). IFSI will be here for a Emergency Vehicle Operator(EVO) class. 2). IFSI has developed a Traffic Incident Management class for operating on the roadway that will be required for Tow truck drivers, police and firefighters. 3). A burn permit has been applied for on an acquired structure for training in May. 4). All Paramedic students have passed the first module of the class. 5). Three EMT-B students are continuing their class.
- Building Maintenance: Front entry door locks have been changed. One key will be placed in the General Office drawer for Department use as needed.
- Fire /Rescue Association: Milk Day luncheon is being planned. Milk Day T-shirt fundraiser proceeds will be given to Harvard School District 50 for their use. Public orders can be placed online.
- Treasurers Report: Written report submitted. Expected property taxes to be received in 2017 are $866,860.12 with a tax rate of .39879.
New Business: None
Dispatch Update:
There will be an Open House at McHenry Dispatch on 4/26 for any interested Trustees or Command Staff. The communication bridge will be in operation soon when Woodstock and Union start being dispatched. The bridge will allow Harvard, Union, Woodstock and Marengo to have simultaneous dispatching of reported structure fires.
Website Update:
PC version up and running. Changes can now be made for announcements, and meeting minutes will soon be able to be posted.
Trustee Condon thanked Trustee Perenchio for the 39 years of Fire service (27 in Harvard) as a firefighter, paramedic, Chief and Trustee.
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to adjourn meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.