Harvard Fire Protection District Special Meeting held November 29, 2018
Trustee Condon called the Special Meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 3:06 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. The purpose of the meeting was to vote on giving permissions to the Trustees to engage in discussion with the members of the Harvard Fire Protection District to gather facts on the house fire on Altenburg Rd. Fire on November 18, 2018. In attendance were Trustee Tom Condon, Trustee Roger Hugg, Trustee Joe Clarke, Administrative Assistant Jeri Loiselle, Deputy Chief Davidson, B/C Pierce, Lieutenant Bough, Lieutenant Menzel FF Barnett, FF Sanchez, FF Czerwiec, FF Dahlke and several members of the public. Trustees not present were Carbonetti and Kelnhofer.
Audience participation: None
Motion to strike Executive session regarding discipline: Hugg seconded by Clarke. Roll call vote; Hugg-yes, Clarke-yes, Condon-yes
Motion to engage in discussion with the members of the Harvard Fire Protection District to gather facts on the house fire on Altenburg Rd. Fire on November 18, 2018: (Condon) Seconded by Hugg.
Motion to adjourn: Clarke and seconded by Condon
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Clarke, Secretary
Dated approved: 12/11/2018