Harvard Fire Protection District Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees October 8, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by President Hugg at 19:05 hours

Roll Call
Present: Evers, Clarke, Hugg, Condon, Kelnhofer
Absent: None

Agenda Approval
Motion to approve by Condon, Seconded by Evers.
Yeas: 5
Nays: 0

Open Forum For The Public
No one from the public wished to address the Board.
Motion to close the floor by Evers, Seconded by Condon

Secretary’s Report
No Report. Minutes not ready for approval due to lose of Administrative Assistant.
Minutes to be available for approval at the November meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Evers presented a number of bills that needed to be paid through online
banking at the conclusion of the meeting. Evers motioned to pay the bills totaling
$28,484.81, Seconded by Condon.
Roll Call Vote: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer: Yes
Payment of bills unanimous.

Evers reported that all of the current credit cards have been cancelled. A new credit
card service is being investigated and new cards will be forthcoming in the near future.
The District has another CD maturing at the Harvard State Bank on October 18, 2019.
The value of the CD is $27,013.06 as of October 8. The funds related to this CD are
earmarked for future equipment needs.

Acting Chief Pierce suggested that the money held in this CD might be used for upfront
expenses related to the new station alerting system for which installation shall begin in
the near future.

Trustee Clarke suggested we proceed with rolling over the $27,013.06 into a 90 day CD
for the shorth term. When the CD becomes due again then long term plans could be

Motion to roll over the CD into a 90 day CD was made by Clarke, Seconded by

Roll Call Vote: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer: Yes
Vote on CD Unanimous

Trustee Hugg repeated his earlier question to DC Davidson: What is the cost of the
station alerting system? Davidson stated he was anticipating a quote from “them” last
week but nothing was provided. He estimated near future expenditures are estimated at
$30,000 for the station alerting, $30,000 for new radios, and $20,000 for (inaudible).

Trustee Clarke reminded the staff officers that any purchase in excess would require
documentation and processed through competitive bidding. Trustee Hugg stated this
may be problematic in that the Starcom radio system is proprietary in its design making
it unique and exempt from the bidding process.

Presentation by Lauterbach and Amen in relation to contract administrative and
financial (bookkeeping) services.
Representing Lauterbach and Amen are Rebina Amoto and Wesley (no last name
given) . Ms. Amoto and Wesley presented a program suited to the District’s needs for
contract administrative and bookkeeping services.
A hardcopy proposal also accompanied the verbal presentation. A copy of the proposal
is attached to these minutes.
Evers motioned to work with Wes to provide a more accurate proposal for the services
that have been discussed throughout this presentation.

Discussion and Adopt GEMT Intergovernmental Agreement
Brief discussion on purpose and content of agreement. GEMT Program will financially
benefit the fire district through governmental reimbursement of transportation expenses
incurred by operating an ambulance service.
Trustee Clarke made a motion to adopt GEMT Intergovernmental Agreement:
Seconded by Evers. Roll Call vote required. Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes,
Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer: Yes

Discuss and approve consulting proposal from Fire Safety Consultants.
These services are being sought to conduct an inspection of Edward Harvard Holding
LLC (aka the Motorola Campus) to determine the condition of the buildings, fire
sprinkler systems, fire standpipe systems, fire alarm and detection systems, and other
related fire protection and fire suppressions systems at the above property.
Motion to approve the contract made by Clarke, Seconded by Condon.
Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer: Yes

Discuss and approve a proposal from the Illinois Fire Chief’s Association to
conduct the recruitment and selection process of a new Fire Chief.
Formal agreement was presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Motion to approve the contract made by Evers, Seconded by Kelnhofer.
Roll Call vote required: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer:

Approve enrollment fees and lodging for Trustee Kelnhofer for Essential Trustee
Motion to approve the training expenses for Trustee Kelnhofer made by Evers,
Seconded by Condon.
Roll Call vote required: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer:

Adopt Resolution for 0% Fire Apparatus Purchase Loan from the State of Illinois,
Office of the State Fire Marshal.
Motion to approve an inter-government agreement for 0% Fire Apparatus Purchase
Loan was made by Motion to approve the training expenses for Trustee Kelnhofer made
by Condon , Seconded by Evers
Roll Call vote required: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer:
Roll Call vote required: Evers: Yes, Clarke: Yes, Hugg: Yes, Condon: Yes, Kelnhofer:
Passed: Unanimous.

D.C. Davidson noted that the agreement referred the “City Council of the municipality”
applying for the loan needed to be changed to the “Board of Trustees of the Fire
Protection District”.

Also noted by Trustee Clarke, Item 4 of the agreement needed the specifics added as to
where the funds would be coming from to repay the loan.

Approve refinancing 3.2% loan for fire apparatus purchase with Harvard State
With the 0% truck Loan from the State, the District will be able to payoff all but
(approximately) $ 55,000 of the original loan for the new fire engine. In order for the State
to complete the 0% loan to the District, the District will have to turn the title for the vehicle
over to the State. However the bank will not surrenderthe title until the District can
provide collateral for a differential loan from the bank.

Discussion on options to secure the loan with funds from the trust could be the most viable
option to provide collateral for the remaining funds that will be due on the original loan once the State loan program funds are applied.
Final decision has been deferred until Trustee Evers discusses the details with the bank
and returns with a proposal that’s acceptable to both the bank and the Trustees.

Trustee Clark had correspondence from the County Fire District Association announcing
their October meeting on October 28 at 6:00 p.m.. The meeting is hosted by the Nunda
Fire Protection District and will be held at the Crystal Lake Rib House.

Second announcement was from TurnKey Digital who hosts our website is having an
open house from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. at their offices at 112 N. Fenton St, Woodstock.

Fire Chief’s Report
(Acting) Fire Chief Bryan Pierce
Lt Menzel’s last day with Harvard will be at the end of October. He will be greatly missed
by all at the District.

Emergency response in September was down 6 calls from last year. The department as
a whole is still higher in response from last year by 7.9%

Firefighter Montana Anderson completed all of the requirements and has graduated from
paramedic school. She has also passed her National Registry exam and has her Illinois

Cadet Noah Evans is at the Fire Academy and is doing well in the process.

Chief indicated that the Public Education people were planning an open house for Fire
Prevention month. Lt. Bough had asked to have a Trustee join the Fire Prevention
Committee as outline in the committee policy. Trustee Hugg agreed to sit on that

Chief Pierce asked the Trustees where the District was in the hiring process for additional
firefighters and firefighter EMT or paramedic. Trustee Clarke stated that because the time
from when you hire someone until they are actually able to respond on calls is rather
lengthy. With the transition that we (the District) are in right now the hiring of new people
should be put on hold until the new fire chief has been sworn in, people who will be hired
as long term investments should be deferred until the new chief is in place. People who
are already (experienced) firefighters, paramedics, or EMT’s the District should be
aggressively seeking out and hiring these people. Trustee Clarke continued to say, if

Fire Chief’s Report (continued)
(Acting) Fire Chief Bryan Pierce
There are qualified Firefighters, Paramedics, or EMT’s that have shown an interest in
working for the Harvard Fire Protection District and have passed the required screening,
they should be hired. It seems to be the feeling of the staff officers that callback personnel
must live in the District in order to be effective or dependable for callbacks. Trustee Clarke
stated that personnel don’t need to live in the District to useful for callback. The Board as
a whole concurred that personnel from nearby communities should be utilized for
emergency responders. It was also agreed that the staff officers are responsible for find
in and recruited the needed (qualified) individuals to fill the vacancies on the Department.

D.C, Davidson reported on the progress with eliminating the T-1 telephone line. Different
alternatives have been investigated, but no final plans have been recommended.

Chief Pierce reported that he had received (at no charge) 15 (Motorola Two-Way
Handheld) radios through State surplus to be used by the department. The department
will have to purchase batteries, chargers, and cases for the radios.

Chief Pierce reported that we will not be receiving a SAFER Grant nor a FEMA Fire
Engine Grant.

Pierce further reported that Tower 783 is due for annual inspection and maintenance. It
will be picked up Monday, October 14. F/F Adams has arranged for pump testing for the
rest of the (pumping) fire apparatus. Tender 778 failed its pump test last year. In that the
vehicle 83-85 parts are no longer available for the pump.

From the same website that Chief Pierce found the handheld radios, Pierce was able to
secure 15 lengths of 3” diameter fire hose.

Chief Pierce stated that many new ideas are being discussed at the officer’s meetings.

Building maintenance: the bed frames have been order, waiting for them to arrive.

Changeover from commercial cellphone operation to FirstNet; all phones in ambulances
have been replaced with FirstNet and four exiting phones that were not used have been
cancelled. Also replaced were four hot spots. The hotspots are to transmit 12 lead EKG’s
to the hospital.

GEMT will take 60-90 days for processing.

Item missed under building maintenance; Virdee will be out this week to finalize the pre-
construction work to our electrical systems and lighting to take advantage of ComEd’s eco-program for building heating, lighting, and cooling.

Trustee Clarke asked that the light in the front entry be repaired. This light as well as the
one outside the front door have not worked for a long time.

Old Business: None
New Business: None
Action Items: None
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn Condon, Seconded by Evers.
Vote: Yeas: 5, Nays: 0

Respectfully Submitted,

Joshua Kelnhofer, Secretary
Board of Trustees
Harvard Fire Protection District.