Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 7:07 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti and Clarke.  Also in attendance were Chief Harter, D/C Davidson, B/C B. Pierce, Lt. N. Pierce, FF/PM Perkins, FF/PM Bough, FF Leipnitz, FF Mackie, FF Sanchez, and Roger Hugg (resident).

Audience Participation: None

Approval of minutes:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve minutes of the following meetings: April 17, 2018, Board of Trustees meeting; April 21, 2018, Budget meeting; March 13, 2018, Closed Session meeting; April 17, 2018, Closed Session meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.

Approve engagement agreement with Wipfli: 

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve an engagement agreement which hires Wipfli Accounting Firm to conduct the District’s annual financial audit. Clarke requested terms in the agreement which directs the accounting firm to make a public presentation to the Board upon completion of this year’s audit. Carbonetti stated that he will make sure a question and answer type presentation will be conducted. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes.  Motion approved 3-0.

Statement regarding Budget Hearing:

Carbonetti informed the Board that a Public Hearing for FY2018/2019 Budget is scheduled for 7pm on June 12, 2018.

Approve removing Cadet Robert Leahey and FF/PM Thomas Brown from District roster:

Motion was made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to remove Cadet Leahey and FF/PM Brown from the District’s roster. D/C Davidson reported that both members, once hired, stopped participating with the Department. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes.  Motion approved 3-0.

Appoint Fire Chief for 2018/2019:

Motion was made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to appoint Steve Harter as Fire Chief for a term to end on or about May 14, 2019.

Motion was made by Clarke to postpone consideration on the chief’s appointment until the June 12, 2018, Board Meeting when all five members of the Board will be able to consider the appointment. This motion died for lack of a second.

Motion was made by Clarke to consider a substitute motion to the main motion which would appoint Steve Harter as an interim fire chief until the board has had an opportunity to recruit and hire a full-time fire chief. This motion died for a lack of a second.

On the main motion a Roll Call vote was taken: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-no. Motion approved 2-1.

Election of Board Officers:

Motion was made by Clarke and seconded by Condon to postpone the election of Board officers until the June 12, 2018, Board meeting when all five members of the Board will be eligible to participate. Clarke acknowledged that past practice was to have the elections in May. Clarke also pointed out that State Statue indicates that the election of Board officers is to be conducted at a regularly scheduled Board meeting (June) which follows the adjournment of the meeting at which a member was seated/reseated on the Board (May). Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes.  Motion approved 3-0.

Approve payment of Bills:

Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve the payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $13,928.75.  Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes. Motion approved 3-0.


  • Fire
  1. Review of fatal fire on April 19th.
  2. Thanks the Board for the opportunity to serve as chief.
  3. Expressed confidence in his skills.
  4. State Fire Marshal indicated that personnel did a “good stop” at a recent fire.
  5. Looking forward to addressing future challenges.
  6. Recognizes the fiscal condition of the District.
  • Deputy Fire Chief:
  1. 80% of emergency call are EMS in nature.
  2. Two personnel handled a lift assist incident. Then followed up later with a well-being check. FF/PM Kunce and FF Sanchez received the praises of the patient’s spouse for going above and beyond the call of duty.
  3. Two former members of the Department, who are now employed by the Belvidere Fire Department, received an award at the State Capital for a heroic save.
  • Battalion Chief:
  1. .Engine 747 at repair shop for brakes, shocks, and a steering issue.
  2. Submitted generator maintenance proposals to the Board. Checking on compliance with ISO requirements.
  3. No progress made on using ImageTrend for EMS report writing.
  • Training officer: Propane tank fire training was well attended by personnel, and was a good learning experience. Held last Thursday..
  • Fire /Rescue Association:
  1. FF Mackie reports that Milk Day T-Shirts are available for order. Please put your size on the sign-up sheet.
  2. All plans are in place for the fire department luncheon held for Milk Days participants.
  • Building Maintenance: None
  • Billing/Records Clerk: $18,000.00 received for AMB for EMS service billing.
  • Correspondence: None
  • Treasurers Report: Carbonetti submitted current balance sheet and budget documents.  District has $154,000,00 to work with until tax payments are received.

Old business: None

New business:  B/C Pierce thanked the Board for reappointing Chief Harter. B/C Pierce stated that the chief has been a good mentor for him.


Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Clarke to adjourn meeting. All ayes, motion approved 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Joseph Clarke, Sec.

Date approved: ____________________________________