1. Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
  3. Roll Call; Trustee Carbonetti, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present. Trustee Clarke is absent.
  4. Motion to approve the agenda. (Carbonetti) Motion to remove item #14 Executive Session, (Seconded by Hugg). Vote-all Ayes
  5. Audience Participation-None
  6. Secretary’s Report- Motion to approve the September 2018 minutes and December 2018 minutes. (Carbonetti) Second (Condon) Vote- All Ayes
  7. Payment of Bills- Motion to approve December bills in the amount of $64,521.03. (Carbonetti) Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote; Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, and Trustee Carbonetti-yes. 4-0.
  8. Approve 2019 Trustee meeting dates. Motion to approve Trustee dates (Condon) Second ( Hugg) Vote-all Ayes
  9. Discuss New Fire Engine- D.C. Davidson presents power point with specs. desired by Committee with financials. Trustee Hugg suggests seeking legal assistance to declare that this purchase can be issued as an emergency purchase and is tabled for a later meeting.
  10. Old Business-None
  11. New Business-
     Discuss Ambulance fee increase. Hugg discussed ambulance fee comparison with other surrounding Districts and the necessity to increase HFPD fees.
  12. Correspondence- None
  13. Fire Chief’s Report;

Call activity December 2018:

116 Total Calls in December

80 Ambulance
9 Lift assist
7 Canceled en route
4 Motor vehicle accident no injuries
2 Motor vehicle accident with injuries
2 Cooking fire
1 Structure Fire (Marengo)
1 Change of quarters
10 False Call, Cᵒ, smoke detector, etc

1,415 1/1/18 to 12/31/18 – Year to date
1,372 1/1/17 to 12/31/17 – Same time frame last year (up 43)

Christmas Party

• Awards were given


 EMT-B: Graduation, January 15th, (at our station)
 Paramedic: All of our students doing well
 Basic FF: Progressing as expected

New Engine:

• No release of FEMA Grants yet
• Nothing on the State Fire Marshall loan

• Officer evaluations have been completed.
o Chief Officers to Evaluate Lieutenants
o Lieutenants will begin evaluating FF’s, EMT’s and Introductory Employees
• Evaluations will include Training and a path forward to improve if needed

Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:

• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018


• Online – going well

Public Education:

• A coat drive is underway now
• Lt. Bough and Mario Sanchez will be doing a radio show promoting this


• Engine 747 at Wirfs, Looks like February to get it back
Building Maintenance:

• Hartwig replaced a bearing in one of the old heating units

  1. Action Items
  2. Motion to Adjourn (Hugg) seconded by Kelnhofer.

Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved: 2-12-2019