1. Regular Meeting Call to order (7:04 p.m.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
  3. Roll Call; Trustee Clarke, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present.
  4. Motion to approve the agenda. Motion to strike item 9 and item 10 and item 17 from agenda. (Condon) Second (Clarke) Roll Call vote; Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, and Trustee Kelnhofer-yes.
  5. Audience Participation-
     Lt. Bough testified to Chief Harter’s qualifications and ethics.
     FF Czerwiec spoke to the valuable skills that Chief Harter has developed in him and losing Chief Harter as a leader would be a great loss to present and future Firefighters, EMS and the residents of this District.
     Lt. Lorenz spoke to Chief Harter’s outstanding leadership skills and great significance in the field.
     FF Crosby spoke to Chief Harter’s dedication to continuing education and incredible value to this District.
     FF Anderson spoke to Chief Harter being an example of great role model and the valuable training he has provided to the members of this District.
     Noel Gaines, Marengo F.D. spoke to Chief Harter being an asset to the Harvard Fire Protection District.
     Chief Bradbury, Marengo F.D. gave his support to the reinstatement of Chief Harter.
     Don Carlson spoke to liable and slanderous statements made against him by a HFPD Trustee.
  6. Lindsay Morris spoke about ambulance billing and Fire recovery.
  7. Secretary’s Report- Motion to send minutes back to staff for minor corrections. Condon Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  8. Payment of Bills- (Hugg) Second (Condon) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  9. DC Davidson discussed Nercom and the Harvard Repeater.
  10. Ambulance 752 motor replacement- Motion to approve repair to 752 not to exceed $9200. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  11. Motion to approve wage modification for Administrative Assistant (Hugg) Second (Kelnhofer) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  12. Motion to amend Huggs’ motion to discuss with the finance committee before the final decision. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  13. Old Business- None
  14. New Business-
     Put audit on the agenda
     Special Meeting for swearing in of new Trustee.
  15. Correspondence- None
  16. Fire Chief’s Report

Call activity March 2019:

Total: April 2019 = 186
April 2018= 106

Y.T.D. 483
Same time 2018 447

Breakdown April 2019
113 Medical Emergency
13 Motor vehicle accident
7 Dispatched & cancelled en route
9 Assist invalid
9 Fire – Brush – MA – Food – etc
9 C.O.Q.
26 Other misc. – Cᵒ – False Alarm, etc

Union FPD Automatic Aid Agreement status?

B.C. Pierce will be out for approximately 3 months (medical issue)


• Tomorrow night we have a 4 hour classroom “Firefighter Resiliency”
o New program dealing with FF’s and potential mental health issues
• New engine training is almost everyone has completed
o This includes a driving performance check list
o Also operation check list
o In service now, will go front line June 1st


• DC Davidson wrote a grant for 2 new Lucas machines
o We received confirmation we will be getting both
• As stated before, we have been awarded the State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500
o Detailed paperwork continues
• SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June
• FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June
• 0% OSFM loan still pending.

Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:

• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018

Public Education:

• Davidson will be speaking at the Chamber “State of the City of Harvard” this Friday.
• BC Pierce and DC Davidson had a great response at the High School Career Expo
o Lot of student interest
• Today we had over 200 students from Washington School at our station

Vehicle Maintenance:

• 752 on agenda
• No other issued

Building Maintenance:

• Nothing new to report

  1. Action Items- None
  2. Motion to adjourn (Condon) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes. (8:53)