- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:04 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
- Roll Call; Trustee Clarke, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present.
- Motion to approve the agenda. Motion to strike item 9 and item 10 and item 17 from agenda. (Condon) Second (Clarke) Roll Call vote; Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, and Trustee Kelnhofer-yes.
- Audience Participation-
Lt. Bough testified to Chief Harter’s qualifications and ethics.
FF Czerwiec spoke to the valuable skills that Chief Harter has developed in him and losing Chief Harter as a leader would be a great loss to present and future Firefighters, EMS and the residents of this District.
Lt. Lorenz spoke to Chief Harter’s outstanding leadership skills and great significance in the field.
FF Crosby spoke to Chief Harter’s dedication to continuing education and incredible value to this District.
FF Anderson spoke to Chief Harter being an example of great role model and the valuable training he has provided to the members of this District.
Noel Gaines, Marengo F.D. spoke to Chief Harter being an asset to the Harvard Fire Protection District.
Chief Bradbury, Marengo F.D. gave his support to the reinstatement of Chief Harter.
Don Carlson spoke to liable and slanderous statements made against him by a HFPD Trustee. - Lindsay Morris spoke about ambulance billing and Fire recovery.
- Secretary’s Report- Motion to send minutes back to staff for minor corrections. Condon Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- Payment of Bills- (Hugg) Second (Condon) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- DC Davidson discussed Nercom and the Harvard Repeater.
- Ambulance 752 motor replacement- Motion to approve repair to 752 not to exceed $9200. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- Motion to approve wage modification for Administrative Assistant (Hugg) Second (Kelnhofer) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- Motion to amend Huggs’ motion to discuss with the finance committee before the final decision. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- Old Business- None
- New Business-
Put audit on the agenda
Special Meeting for swearing in of new Trustee. - Correspondence- None
- Fire Chief’s Report
Call activity March 2019:
Total: April 2019 = 186
April 2018= 106
Y.T.D. 483
Same time 2018 447
Breakdown April 2019
113 Medical Emergency
13 Motor vehicle accident
7 Dispatched & cancelled en route
9 Assist invalid
9 Fire – Brush – MA – Food – etc
9 C.O.Q.
26 Other misc. – Cᵒ – False Alarm, etc
Union FPD Automatic Aid Agreement status?
B.C. Pierce will be out for approximately 3 months (medical issue)
• Tomorrow night we have a 4 hour classroom “Firefighter Resiliency”
o New program dealing with FF’s and potential mental health issues
• New engine training is almost everyone has completed
o This includes a driving performance check list
o Also operation check list
o In service now, will go front line June 1st
• DC Davidson wrote a grant for 2 new Lucas machines
o We received confirmation we will be getting both
• As stated before, we have been awarded the State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500
o Detailed paperwork continues
• SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June
• FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June
• 0% OSFM loan still pending.
Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:
• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018
Public Education:
• Davidson will be speaking at the Chamber “State of the City of Harvard” this Friday.
• BC Pierce and DC Davidson had a great response at the High School Career Expo
o Lot of student interest
• Today we had over 200 students from Washington School at our station
Vehicle Maintenance:
• 752 on agenda
• No other issued
Building Maintenance:
• Nothing new to report
- Action Items- None
- Motion to adjourn (Condon) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote; Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes. (8:53)