1. Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
  3. Roll Call; Trustee Clarke, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present. Trustee Carbonetti was absent.
  4. Motion to approve the agenda (Kelnhofer) Second (Hugg). Roll call vote- Clarke-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes.
  5. Audience Participation-None
  6. Secretary’s Report- Nothing to report (Clarke)
  7. Payment of Bills- Motion to approve December bills in the amount of $41,958.56. (Condon)
     Clarke would like to see check #12046 removed from the list and voted on separately.
     Motion to approve the balance of the bills; (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll call vote Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
     Condon states Board will discuss how to handle check #12046 at a later date.
  8. Motion to schedule the annual evaluation of the fire chief and establish goals for the next fiscal year (Hugg)
     Introduction to new method of evaluation process.
     Special meeting for Chief evaluation to be set at a later date.
  9. Motion to appoint personnel to Board Committees (Clarke) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes
     Bridgette Nolan-
    • Fire Prevention
    • Policies and Procedures
     Matt Perkins
    • Fire Prevention
    • Budget and Financing
     Dan Barnett
    • Budget and Financing
     Kara Bough
    • Fire Prevention
     Mark Czerwiec
    • Fire Prevention
  10. Motion to accept resignations of Scott Ritzert and Nicole McDevitt (Hugg) Second (Kelnhofer) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  11. Motion to approve adding Board run exit interviews to policies and procedures. (Condon) Seconded by (Kelnhofer) Roll Call vote Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Clarke-yes, and Condon-yes.
  12. Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 741 (Clarke) seconded by (Hugg) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes
  13. Old Business-None
  14. New Business-
     Motion to move discussion of assigning ambulance charges to committee for recommended adjusting charges to increase revenue to committee (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote Hugg- yes, Kelnhofer- yes, Clarke- yes, and Condon –yes.
     Motion to refer incident recovery services to finance committee. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Ayes 4-0
     Motion to change legal counsel to Ottosen at next meeting. (Hugg) seconded by (Clarke) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
  15. Correspondence- None
  16. Motion to accept Clarke’s resignation as Secretary of the Board. (Kelnhofer) seconded by (Hugg) Roll call- Hugg- yes, Kelnhofer- yes, and Condon –yes. Clarke abstained.
  17. Fire Chief’s Report;

Call activity February 2019:

Total for January = 126

73 Ambulance
11 Lift assist
8 Canceled en route
5 Motor vehicle accident no injuries
4 Motor vehicle accident with injuries
1 Structure fire Mutual Aid
4 Change of quarters
13 False Call, Cᵒ, smoke detector, etc
7 Line Down

February 2018 = 109


 Paramedic: 2 students in clinical studies
 Basic FF: Leslie and David have passed OSFM

New Engine:

• Four FF’s from the committee are going to South Dakota for final inspection and then bring the engine to us.
o BC Pierce
o Lt Menzel
o Sanchez
o Dahlke


• FF Perkins is putting the SAFER grant together and will submit this with Board approval
• 65% 1st year, 65% 2nd year, 35% 3rd year.
• FEMA Engine still pending
• 0% OSFM loan still pending
• State of Illinois Communication grant – pending – we still think this is a go

Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:

• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018

Public Education:

• We will be doing “Operation Prom” on April 30th
• Special needs students were here.
• In May we will have about 200 students from Washington school

Vehicle Maintenance:

• Nothing new to report

Building Maintenance:

• Nothing new to report

  1. Motion for adjournment (Hugg) seconded by (Kelnhofer) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes (7:43)