- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
- Roll Call; Trustee Clarke, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present. Trustee Carbonetti was absent.
- Motion to approve the agenda (Kelnhofer) Second (Hugg). Roll call vote- Clarke-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes.
- Audience Participation-None
- Secretary’s Report- Nothing to report (Clarke)
- Payment of Bills- Motion to approve December bills in the amount of $41,958.56. (Condon)
Clarke would like to see check #12046 removed from the list and voted on separately.
Motion to approve the balance of the bills; (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll call vote Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
Condon states Board will discuss how to handle check #12046 at a later date. - Motion to schedule the annual evaluation of the fire chief and establish goals for the next fiscal year (Hugg)
Introduction to new method of evaluation process.
Special meeting for Chief evaluation to be set at a later date. - Motion to appoint personnel to Board Committees (Clarke) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes
Bridgette Nolan-
• Fire Prevention
• Policies and Procedures
Matt Perkins
• Fire Prevention
• Budget and Financing
Dan Barnett
• Budget and Financing
Kara Bough
• Fire Prevention
Mark Czerwiec
• Fire Prevention - Motion to accept resignations of Scott Ritzert and Nicole McDevitt (Hugg) Second (Kelnhofer) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes.
- Motion to approve adding Board run exit interviews to policies and procedures. (Condon) Seconded by (Kelnhofer) Roll Call vote Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Clarke-yes, and Condon-yes.
- Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of 741 (Clarke) seconded by (Hugg) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes
- Old Business-None
- New Business-
Motion to move discussion of assigning ambulance charges to committee for recommended adjusting charges to increase revenue to committee (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Roll Call vote Hugg- yes, Kelnhofer- yes, Clarke- yes, and Condon –yes.
Motion to refer incident recovery services to finance committee. (Clarke) Second (Hugg) Ayes 4-0
Motion to change legal counsel to Ottosen at next meeting. (Hugg) seconded by (Clarke) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes. - Correspondence- None
- Motion to accept Clarke’s resignation as Secretary of the Board. (Kelnhofer) seconded by (Hugg) Roll call- Hugg- yes, Kelnhofer- yes, and Condon –yes. Clarke abstained.
- Fire Chief’s Report;
Call activity February 2019:
Total for January = 126
73 Ambulance
11 Lift assist
8 Canceled en route
5 Motor vehicle accident no injuries
4 Motor vehicle accident with injuries
1 Structure fire Mutual Aid
4 Change of quarters
13 False Call, Cᵒ, smoke detector, etc
7 Line Down
February 2018 = 109
Paramedic: 2 students in clinical studies
Basic FF: Leslie and David have passed OSFM
New Engine:
• Four FF’s from the committee are going to South Dakota for final inspection and then bring the engine to us.
o BC Pierce
o Lt Menzel
o Sanchez
o Dahlke
• FF Perkins is putting the SAFER grant together and will submit this with Board approval
• 65% 1st year, 65% 2nd year, 35% 3rd year.
• FEMA Engine still pending
• 0% OSFM loan still pending
• State of Illinois Communication grant – pending – we still think this is a go
Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:
• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018
Public Education:
• We will be doing “Operation Prom” on April 30th
• Special needs students were here.
• In May we will have about 200 students from Washington school
Vehicle Maintenance:
• Nothing new to report
Building Maintenance:
• Nothing new to report
- Motion for adjournment (Hugg) seconded by (Kelnhofer) Roll call Clarke- yes, Hugg-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes (7:43)