1) Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.) 2) Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3) Roll Call; Trustee Evers, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer, Trustee Clarke were present. 4) Motion to approve the agenda made by Kelnhofer, Seconded by Evers. Motion Approved 5-0. 5) Audience Participation-None 6) Election of Board Members- Thomas Condon makes a motion to nominate Roger Hugg for Board President, Laura Evers seconds motion. Roger Hugg accepts the nomination. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- Yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Condon asks if there are any other nominations for Board President. There are none. Rogers Hugg makes a motion to nominate Laura Evers as Board Treasurer, Thomas Condon seconds motion. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- Yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. Thomas Condon makes a motion to nominate Josh Kelnhofer as the Board Secretary, Roger Hugg seconds the motion. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- Yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. Thomas Condon turns the meeting over to Roger Hugg. 7) Secretary’s Report- Approval of the Minutes • Condon asserts there are no errors with the minutes and asks for them to be approved. • Joe Clarke asked if the minutes have been corrected. Clarke announces that Finance Committee minutes can be removed as they are approved at the committee level. • Hugg asks for a motion to approve the minutes. Clarke makes motion. Kelnhofer seconds the motion. • Hugg asks if there is any discussion on the motion. • Josh Kelnhofer asks the District’s Legal counsel for advice on publishing minutes. Legal recommends approving the minutes. • Clarke made motion to accept approval of the minutes, seconded by Kelnhofer. Voice vote; Motion approved 4-0. Trustee Evers abstained. 1. Special Meeting Minutes 2-12-2019 2. Regular Meeting Minutes 2-12-2019 3. Regular Meeting Minutes 3-12-2019 4. Special Meeting Minutes 3-15-2019 5. Special Meeting Minutes 3-22-2019 6. Regular Meeting Minutes 4-9-2019 7. Regular Meeting Minutes 5-14-2019 8. Special Meeting Minutes 5-30-2019 8) Payment of Bills- Trustee Condon made a motion to approve the bills, Trustee Evers seconded motion. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- Yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 9) Resolution adopting a Policies and Procedures Manual- Trustee Clarke made motion to approve the resolution to accept the Policies and Procedures manual, Trustee Evers seconds motion. Trustee Hugg asks if there is any further discussion on this motion. Chief Harter asks to speak, Trustee Hugg denies request. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 10) Appoint additional members to the Finance, Budget, and Funding Committee. Trustee Hugg turns the meeting over to Trustee Clarke. Clarke makes motion to appoint Trustee Evers, Deputy Chief Davidson, and Lt. Lorenz to the Finance, Budget, and Funding Committee, seconded by Kelnhofer. Hugg asks if there is further discussion. There is none. Voice vote- Motion passed. 5-0. 11) Discuss attendance at the IAFPD Annual Conference- Trustee Clarke makes motion to approve attendance of three Trustees (Evers, Clarke, and Hugg) attendance to IAFPD Annual Conference in Peoria with expenses paid. Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion is passed. 12) Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Illinois and the Harvard Fire Protection District. Motion made by Condon to accept a resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Illinois and the Harvard Fire Protection District, motion seconded by Kelnhofer. • Clarke asks about grant restrictions. • Deputy Chief Davidson discusses the known details. • Clarke clarifies to staff specifics of resolution. • Deputy Chief Davidson asks for authority to sign and take steps to comply with the grant. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 13) Approve engagement agreement with Wipfli to perform audit. Hugg asks Karl Ottosen, the District’s Legal Counsel to speak. Ottosen recommends review of prior management’s letters of auditors before approving engagement agreement. Clarke makes motion to table engagement agreement with Wipfli to perform audit, Seconded by Trustee Kelnhofer. Voice vote; Motion passed. 5-0. 14) Approve Service Agreement with Philips Trustee Clarke makes motion to approve Service Agreement with Philips for a two year period. Trustee Evers seconds the motion. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 15) Approve Service Agreement with Stryker Trustee Clarke makes motion to approve a one year service agreement with Stryker. Trustee Evers seconds motion. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 16) Approve wage modification for Administrative Assistant. Hugg states this is a two part motion. • Part one to approve the modification for the Administrative Assistant. • Part two to approve making the wage modification retroactive to the date of review. o Clarke asks for paperwork. Hugg replies there is none present. o Clarke asks to identify terms. Hugg refers to Condon. Condon recalls an increase of $1.00 per hour. o Clarke asks if there is changes to holiday pay and work hours. Hugg responds that it was just the salary. Clarks asks if the Board is willing to reauthorize the holiday pay and work hours. Condon says it has been two years since an increase and that the holiday hours and work hours would stay in place, unless changes be made by the Finance Committee. o Kelnhofer states the agreement was $1.50 increase per hour. Clarke states that increase is too much considering budget issues and does not feel $1.50 is appropriate and that a part-time employee should not get paid holidays. o Trustee Evers recommends that Administrative Assistant Loiselle begin doing payroll and that would add responsibility to Loiselle’s role. o Trustee Evers made motion to approve a wage modification of $1.00 per hour increase then semiannually have a review process. o Trustee Clarke expressed concerns about Loiselle taking on payroll. o Clarke discussed his opposition to Administrative Assistants holiday pay. Hugg states benefits were discussed years ago and could be time to look at that. o Clarke wants this item deferred to the Finance Committee. o Hugg says the evaluation was done before the budgetary issues were uncovered. o Trustee Evers makes motion to approve the wage modification for the Administrative Assistant of $1.00 per hour and making it retroactive to the performance review. Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion is passed. 17) Old Business- None 18) New Business-None 19) Correspondence-None 20) Fire Chief’s Report 11-June-2019 Call activity May 2019: Total: May 2019 = 122 May 2018= 105 Y.T.D. 605 Same time 2018 552 Up about 9% over last year Breakdown April 2019 78 Medical Emergency 3 Motor vehicle accident 4 Dispatched & cancelled en route 11 Assist invalid 4 Fire - Vehicle - MA - Food - etc 5 C.O.Q. 17 Other misc. - Cᵒ - False Alarm, etc Training: • Two FF’s began EMT Basic in Rockford • Paramedic students should be allowed to take the National Exam anytime now Grants: • We have received one new Lucas machine • State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500 was signed tonight. o We will send the signed agreement to the state and wait for further instructions. • SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June • FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced in June • 0% OSFM loan still pending. Public Education: • Davidson spoke at the Chamber Meeting along with the Mayor and Chief of Police. Vehicle Maintenance: • 752 back in service • No other issued Building Maintenance: Nothing new to report Ambulance Increase: Lt. Lorenz speaks to the importance of increasing the Ambulance billing immediately and provides documentation. Lorenz discusses GEMT program that allows for reimbursement of additional balances of Medicaid billing. Lorenz asks the Board to move forward with Fire Recovery. Clarke asked if this type of service should be put out to bid. Legal Counsel positions to make a resolution for an ambulance increase. 21) Action Items- Hugg asks Deputy Chief Davidson to gather information for possible bid proposal. 22) Convene a “Closed Session” to discuss issues covered under the Illinois Compiled Statutes, General Provisions, Open Meetings Act, ILCS 120/2/c/1. Regarding a performance evaluation of a District employee o Clarke makes motion to convene to Closed Session, motion seconded by Condon. o Roll call vote; Trustee Evers- yes, Trustee Condon- Yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes. Motion passed. 23) Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Joshua Kelnhofer, Secretary