- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:04 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
- Roll Call; Trustee Evers, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer were present, Trustee Clarke was absent.
- Motion to approve the agenda made by Condon, Seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion Approved 4-0.
- Audience Participation- Motion to close public comment made by Evers, Seconded by Condon. Motion approved 4-0
- Secretary’s Report-
- Approval of the Minutes- Motion made by Evers and Seconded by Condon. Motion Approved 4-0
- Payment of Bills- Evers explains bill pay changes and new reports.
- Motion to approve bills by Condon, seconded by Kelnhofer. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 4-0.
- Approve 2019/2020 Budget and Appropriation ordinance
- Motion for five-minute recess made by Condon, seconded by Evers.
- Motion to reconvene made by Condon, seconded by Kelnhofer. 7:32 Evers will rejoin momentarily.
- Motion made by Condon to approve 2019/2020 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, seconded by Kelnhofer. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 4-0.
- Accept an ordinance to adjust Ambulance Service fees
- Motion made by Evers to adopt ordinance to adjust Ambulance Service fees, seconded by Condon.
- Motion by Evers to amend mileage fee from $13.00 per mile to $25.00 per mile, seconded by Condon. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 4-0.
- Motion made by Evers to accept the amended ordinance, Seconded by Kelnhofer. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 4-0.
- Approve an agreement with ImageTrend
- Motion to approve the agreement with ImageTrend by Condon, seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 3-0
- Approve an agreement with Mercy Business Associate- DC Davidson speaks to the agreement.
- Motion to approve the agreement with Mercy by Condon, seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 3-0
- Old Business- None
- New Business-
- Condon discusses throwing an event for a past member.
- Correspondence-None
- Fire Chief’s Report
Call activity June 2019:
Total: June 2019 = 131
June 2018= 117
January – June 736
Same time 2018 669
Up over 9% over last year
Breakdown June 2019 | |
83 | Medical Emergency |
4 | Motor vehicle accident |
13 | Dispatched & cancelled en route |
12 | Assist invalid |
4 | Fire – Vehicle – MA – Food – etc |
2 | C.O.Q. |
13 | Other misc. – Cᵒ – False Alarm, etc |
Officer Responsibly:
- List was assigned to each officer
- Three FF’s enrolled in Vehicle Machinery Operations class
- Two FF’s midway through EMT Basic in Rockford
- Paramedic students waiting on a date to take the National Exam
- 0% OSFM loan paperwork was sent to Board members – waiting on reply
- State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500 agreement was returned
- Looks like the first payment will be 25%
- SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
- FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
Public Education:
- Davidson attended the School Safety Meeting
Vehicle Maintenance:
- 747 and 739 have new tires
- No other issued
Building Maintenance:
- One overhead door was repaired. Simple fix.
- Bunkroom air conditioner is temporarily fixed. New part on order
- Action Items-None
- Evers made motion to remove item 17, seconded by Condon. Motion passed 4-0.
- Motion to adjourn by Condon, seconded by Evers.
Respectfully submitted,