- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
- Roll Call; Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, Trustee Clarke, and Trustee Kelnhofer, were present.
- Motion to approve the agenda. (Hugg) Seconded by Clarke. Vote-all Ayes
- Audience Participation-
Lieutenant Nicole Pierce reads a letter written to the Board of Trustees from the members of the Harvard Fire Protection District discussing the future of the District and imploring the Board to support the Chief Officers of the Harvard Fire Protection District by working together constructively.
Chief Bob Bradbury of Marengo Fire and Rescue, makes statement of support to the three Harvard Fire Protection Chief’s.
Chief Michael Hill of Woodstock Fire Protection District, makes statement of support to the Harvard Fire Protection Chief Officer’s.
Donald Carlson expressed disappointment in the Harvard Fire Protection District’s Board of Trustees, Carlson questions Board members transparency and collusion with McHenry County Board to appoint Harvard Fire Protection District Board members. - Secretary’s report
Approval of Minutes
• Motion to approve Special meeting minutes from November 29, 2018. (Clarke) Seconded by Hugg. Ayes-4, No-0
• Motion to approve regular Trustees meeting minutes on November 13, 2018. (Clarke) Seconded by Kelnhofer. Ayes-4, No-0
• Motion to approve the minute of the Executive session held on November 13, 2018. (Clarke) Seconded by Hugg. Ayes-4, No-0 - Payment of Bills- Motion to approve November bills in the amount of $56,955.35. (Clarke) Seconded by Kelnhofer. Roll call vote; Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
- Approve Auto Aid Agreement between HFPD and Union Fire. Tabled until next meeting
- Old Business-None
- New Business-None
- Correspondence- None
- Fire Chief’s Report;
Call activity November 2018: 118 Total Calls in November
76 Ambulance
9 Motor vehicle accident no injuries
9 Canceled en route
8 False Call
4 Fires – other
4 Motor vehicle accident with injuries
4 Change of quarters
3 Lift assist
1 Structure Fire
1,301 1/1/18 to 11/30/18 – Year to date
1,244 1/1/17 to 11/30/17 – Same time frame last year (up 57)
EMT-B: All of our students doing well (Next BOT meeting date change?)
Paramedic: All of our students doing well
Basic FF: Progressing as expected
New Engine:
• No release of FEMA Grants yet
• Nothing on the State Fire Marshall loan
Accident Investigation:
• Battalion Chief Pierce conducted an investigation on 747 accident
o The report has been submitted
• Officer evaluations will be completed in December
o Fire Chief to Evaluate D.C. and B.C.
o Chief Officers to Evaluate Lieutenants
• Lieutenants will begin evaluating FF’s, EMT’s and Introductory Employees
Longevity Payment:
• Spreadsheet to the BOT
Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual:
• Battalion Chief Pierce sent the draft to Trustee Hugg on 8-16-2018
• Online – going well
Public Education:
• A coat drive is underway now
• There will be a food drive for needy families again this Christmas
• Nothing to report
Building Maintenance:
• Heaters have been installed
- Chief Harter requests a Closed session meeting with the Board to discuss his letter of suspension.
- Deputy Chief Davidson requests a Closed session meeting with the Board to discuss his letter of suspension.
- Action items-None
- Trustee Hugg recognized the crew for their life saving professionalism on an EMS call from earlier that day.
- Adjournment- Motion to adjourn (Hugg) Seconded by Kelnhofer.
Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved: 1/9/2019