- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.
- Roll Call- Trustee Condon, Trustee Carbonetti, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Kelnhofer, and Trustee Clarke, were present.
- Motion to approve the agenda. (Clarke)
- Motion to defer Agenda item 11.1 and 11.2 to September meeting (Hugg) Seconded by Clarke. Vote 5-0
- Audience Participation-
- Don Carlson asks permission to ask questions to the Board of Trustees Permission is granted
- Carlson questions if Clarke had access to the Fire Chief’s training record before June’s Trustee Meeting. Clarke responds by saying that he had access but, did not review the Fire Chief’s Training record.
- Carlson comments on Clarke’s motives towards the Fire Chief in the June Trustee’s Meeting.
- Secretary’s report- Approval of Minutes
Motion to Approve Minutes of the July 10, 2018, Regular Board Meeting (Clarke) Second- Hugg. Motion Passed 5 to 0.
- Board Action on hiring the law firm of Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, and DiNolfo, Ltd. to conduct an internal investigation regarding employee misconduct.
Motion to hire Ottosen, Britz, Kelly, Cooper, Gilbert, and DiNolfo, Ltd. Hugg, Second-Clarke. Roll call vote; Clarke-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Condon-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Hugg-yes. 5-0
- Convene a “Closed Session” to discuss issues covered under the Illinois Compiled Statutes, General Provisions, Open Meetings Act, ILCS 120/2/c/1. Regarding potential discipline to certain HFPD employees and regarding potential approval to make public “Closed Session” minutes
(Clarke) Second- Hugg.
- Motion to Reconvene to Open Session. (Hugg) Second Kelnhofer.
- Payment of Bills
Motion to pay the bills Roll Call Vote; Clarke-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Condon-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Hugg-yes. 5-0
- Board action on the expiration of the temporary call-back compensation benefits.
227 General and Call Backs-Clarke speaks
- 53% did not have the efficient personnel to staff one vehicle
- 10% were staffed by 2 people or one vehicle
- 18% were manned by a full crew to man an ambulance or an engine
- 6% were fully staffed for a second call
- 23% were staffed with 3 man engine and 2 man ambulance
- New Business
- Discussion on Advance Firefighter III training
- Correspondence- None
- Fire Chief’s Report ;
- Last Month 110 Calls
- Completed Action Plan for Balloon Fest with HPD
- Training Progress
- Online training
- Noah Carlson completed EMTB and is registered for FFII
- Kyle Dahlke received VMO class certification
- Shane Mackie and Montana Anderson have been accepted to the paramedic program.
- Options to generate revenue for new Engine
- Personnel Policies and Procedures update
- Image Trend update
- Public Education Events
- Maintenance update
- Action Items None
- Motion to Adjourn Meeting-Trustee Clarke. Second- Trustee Condon. Roll Call: Trustee Hugg-yes, Trustee Clarke-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Kelnhofer-yes. Motion passed 5 to 0 8:58 pm
Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved: ____________________________________