- Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
- Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
- Roll Call; Trustee Evers, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer and Trustee Clarke were present.
- Motion to approve the agenda made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion approved 5-0.
- Audience Participation-None. Motion to close public comment made by Condon Seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 5-0
- Secretary’s Report-
- Approval of the Minutes- Motion made by Kelnhofer and Seconded by Evers. Motion Approved 4-0. Trustee Clarke abstained.
- Payment of Bills-
- Motion to approve bills by Evers, seconded by Condon. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.
- Approve the purchase of recording equipment to record public and executive meetings for the fire district.
- Motion to approve the purchase of recording equipment made by Condon, Seconded by Clarke. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.
- Motion to amend the agenda by replacing item 10 with item 11
- Motion made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion approved 5-0
- Revisions to Fire District’s Banking Procedures
- Katie Martin from The Harvard State Bank is present for the Board of Trustees to sign paperwork.
- Approve and sign for OSFM Fire truck Revolving Loan Program
- DC Davidson discussed terms of new loan and paperwork needed.
- Motion to authorize President Roger Hugg to execute a letter of intent with the Illinois Finance Authority Fire Truck and Ambulance RLF program and the Harvard Fire Protection District made by Clarke, seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 5-0.
- Motion to authorize President Hugg and Treasurer Evers to execute a loan agreement between the Illinois Finance Authority and the Harvard Fire Protection District dated 6/13/2019 made by Clarke, Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.
- Accept the resignation letter of Russell Leipnitz
- Motion to accept the resignation of Russel Leipnitz made by Condon, Seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion passed 5-0.
- Correspondence-None
- Old Business- None
- New Business-
- Discuss Application of Disposal of Records.
- Motion to refer the Records Disposal Certificate to legal.
- Discuss Application of Disposal of Records.
- Discuss Fire Recovery
- Motion to Convene a “Closed Session” to discuss the performance evaluation of a District employee as covered under the Illinois Compiled Statutes, General Provisions, Open Meetings Act, ILCS 120/2/c/1 made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion Passed 5-0. 8:10PM
- Motion to return to open session made by Condon, Seconded by Evers. Motion passed5-0. 9:56 PM
- Motion to adjourn made by Kelnhofer, Seconded by Clarke. Motion passed 5-0. 9:58 PM.
- Fire Chief’s Report
Call activity June 2019:
August 2019 = 130 * Detailed breakdown page #3
August 2018= 112
January – July 2019 866 * 9.8% increase over 2018
January – July 2018 781
Notes: Structure Fire on Marengo Road
Two MVA’s with complex extrication – 1 fatal
Thank you:
- Go on the record to thank Russ Leipnitz for 16 years and 4 months of service
- Bough, Crosby, Czerwiec and Sanchez took and passed MCC Vehicle Machinery Operations
- David Anaya and Leslie Ingersol passed National EMT Basic
- Shane Mackie passed National Paramedic Exam
- Montana Anderson took the National Paramedic Exam and we await the results
Policies and Procedures:
- These have been assigned to everyone on the online training program
Illinois Secure Choice:
- This was mentioned a while back
- Any action needed from us?
- 0% OSFM loan paperwork was sent to Board members – Pending BOT
- State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500 agreement was returned
- More paperwork. This look to be a reimbursement
- SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
- FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
- Grant of 15 used radios was received from DNR
- IDPH Grant for $2,400 was submitted
Public Education:
- National Night Out went very well
- On 8-20-2019 we will be assisting McDonalds and Make a Wish Foundation for a special needs childVehicle Maintenance:
- 754 has alternator problem
- No other issues
Building Maintenance:
- All bushes except the East side have been trimmed
Detailed Call Breakdown
July, 2019
130 Total Calls
84 | 321 | EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury |
7 | 554 | Assist invalid |
7 | 611 | Dispatched & cancelled en route |
4 | 444 | Power line down |
3 | 111 | Building fire |
3 | 322 | Motor vehicle accident with injuries |
3 | 622 | No Incident found on arrival at dispatch address |
1 | 131 | Passenger vehicle fire |
1 | 151 | Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire |
1 | 160 | Special outside fire, Other |
1 | 323 | Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident (MV Ped) |
1 | 324 | Motor Vehicle Accident with no injuries |
1 | 411 | Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill |
1 | 511 | Assist police or other governmental agency |
1 | 531 | Smoke or odor removal |
1 | 571 | Cover assignment, standby, moveup |
1 | 600 | Good intent call, Other |
1 | 621 | EMS call, party transported by non-fire agency |
1 | 651 | Smoke scare, odor of smoke |
1 | 661 | EMS call, party transported by non-fire agency |
1 | 671 | HazMat release investigation w/no HazMat |
1 | 700 | False alarm or false call, Other |
1 | 735 | Alarm system sounded due to malfunction |
1 | 736 | CO detector activation due to malfunction |
1 | 743 | Smoke detector activation, no fire – unintentional |
1 | 551 | Lock-out |
Respectfully submitted,
Joshua Kelnhofer, Secretary