1. Regular Meeting Call to order (7:00 p.m.)
    2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
  • Roll Call; Trustee Evers, Trustee Hugg, Trustee Condon, and Trustee Kelnhofer and Trustee Clarke were present.
  • Motion to approve the agenda made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion approved 5-0.


    1. Audience Participation-None. Motion to close public comment made by Condon Seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 5-0
    2. Secretary’s Report-
      • Approval of the Minutes- Motion made by Kelnhofer and Seconded by Evers. Motion Approved 4-0. Trustee Clarke abstained.
  • Payment of Bills-
  • Motion to approve bills by Evers, seconded by Condon. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.


    1. Approve the purchase of recording equipment to record public and executive meetings for the fire district.
    2. Motion to approve the purchase of recording equipment made by Condon, Seconded by Clarke. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.
    3. Motion to amend the agenda by replacing item 10 with item 11
    4. Motion made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion approved 5-0
    5. Revisions to Fire District’s Banking Procedures
    6. Katie Martin from The Harvard State Bank is present for the Board of Trustees to sign paperwork.
    7. Approve and sign for OSFM Fire truck Revolving Loan Program
      • DC Davidson discussed terms of new loan and paperwork needed.
      • Motion to authorize President Roger Hugg to execute a letter of intent with the Illinois Finance Authority Fire Truck and Ambulance RLF program and the Harvard Fire Protection District made by Clarke, seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion approved 5-0.
      • Motion to authorize President Hugg and Treasurer Evers to execute a loan agreement between the Illinois Finance Authority and the Harvard Fire Protection District dated 6/13/2019 made by Clarke, Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote- Evers-yes, Clarke-yes, Kelnhofer-yes, Condon-yes, Hugg-yes. Motion passes 5-0.
    8. Accept the resignation letter of Russell Leipnitz
    9. Motion to accept the resignation of Russel Leipnitz made by Condon, Seconded by Kelnhofer. Motion passed 5-0.
    10. Correspondence-None
    11. Old Business- None
    12. New Business-
        • Discuss Application of Disposal of Records.
          • Motion to refer the Records Disposal Certificate to legal.

    13. Discuss Fire Recovery
  • Motion to Convene a “Closed Session” to discuss the performance evaluation of a District employee as covered under the Illinois Compiled Statutes, General Provisions, Open Meetings Act, ILCS 120/2/c/1 made by Clarke, Seconded by Evers. Motion Passed 5-0. 8:10PM
  • Motion to return to open session made by Condon, Seconded by Evers. Motion passed5-0. 9:56 PM
  • Motion to adjourn made by Kelnhofer, Seconded by Clarke. Motion passed 5-0. 9:58 PM.


  1. Fire Chief’s Report



Call activity June 2019:



August    2019 =       130     * Detailed breakdown page #3

August    2018=                     112



January – July 2019            866     * 9.8% increase over 2018

January – July 2018            781


Notes:  Structure Fire on Marengo Road

Two MVA’s with complex extrication – 1 fatal



Thank you:


  • Go on the record to thank Russ Leipnitz for 16 years and 4 months of service




  • Bough, Crosby, Czerwiec and Sanchez took and passed MCC Vehicle Machinery Operations
  • David Anaya and Leslie Ingersol passed National EMT Basic


  • Shane Mackie passed National Paramedic Exam
  • Montana Anderson took the National Paramedic Exam and we await the results


Policies and Procedures:


  • These have been assigned to everyone on the online training program


Illinois Secure Choice:


  • This was mentioned a while back
  • Any action needed from us?




  • 0% OSFM loan paperwork was sent to Board members – Pending BOT
  • State of Illinois Communication grant: $87,500 agreement was returned
    • More paperwork. This look to be a reimbursement
  • SAFER grant pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
  • FEMA Engine still pending. Perkins states awards will be announced soon
  • Grant of 15 used radios was received from DNR
  • IDPH Grant for $2,400 was submitted


Public Education:


  • National Night Out went very well
  • On 8-20-2019 we will be assisting McDonalds and Make a Wish Foundation for a special needs childVehicle Maintenance:
  • 754 has alternator problem
  • No other issues



Building Maintenance:


  • All bushes except the East side have been trimmed






Detailed Call Breakdown

July, 2019

130 Total Calls

84 321 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury
7 554 Assist invalid
7 611 Dispatched & cancelled en route
4 444 Power line down
3 111 Building fire
3 322 Motor vehicle accident with injuries
3 622 No Incident found on arrival at dispatch address
1 131 Passenger vehicle fire
1 151 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire
1 160 Special outside fire, Other
1 323 Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident (MV Ped)
1 324 Motor Vehicle Accident with no injuries
1 411 Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill
1 511 Assist police or other governmental agency
1 531 Smoke or odor removal
1 571 Cover assignment, standby, moveup
1 600 Good intent call, Other
1 621 EMS call, party transported by non-fire agency
1 651 Smoke scare, odor of smoke
1 661 EMS call, party transported by non-fire agency
1 671 HazMat release investigation w/no HazMat
1 700 False alarm or false call, Other
1 735 Alarm system sounded due to malfunction
1 736 CO detector activation due to malfunction
1 743 Smoke detector activation, no fire – unintentional
1 551 Lock-out


Respectfully submitted,


Joshua Kelnhofer, Secretary