Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held May 1, 2017
President Condon called the regular meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 6:05 PM in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman St. Present were Trustees Condon and Carbonetti. Also in attendance were J. Clarke, B/C D. Davidson, B/C B. Pierce, Lts. N. Pierce and J. Adams, FFs. M. Perkins, M. Veronese, B. Samuel and C. Jagels. Also present was E. Clarke.
Appointment of Trustee:
President Condon administered the oath of office to Joseph Clarke for the position of trustee on the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees.
Election of Board Officers:
Motion made by Carbonetti to elect T. Condon as President, J. Carbonetti as Treasurer, and J. Clarke as Secretary. J. Clarke seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Audience Participation:
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2017 meeting. Voice vote: Condon and Carbonetti ayes, Clarke abstained. Motion approved..
Personnel resignation:
Motion made by Condon, seconded by Clarke to regretfully accept the resignation of B/C Daniel Danczyk. Voice vote: all ayes.
Amendments to Policy Manual:
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to accept the changes to the personnel manual pertaining to the structure of officers for the Fire District. Voice vote: all ayes.
Annual Audit:
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to approve hiring the firm of Wipfli to conduct the annual financial audit. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
Officer Ranks:
Motion made by Condon and seconded by Carbonetti to accept the recommendations of Fire Chief S. Harter. The District will consist of the following officers: a Fire Chief, a Deputy Fire Chief, a Battalion Chief and two (2) Lieutenants. Members discussed officer qualifications and training. Voice vote: all ayes.
Appointment of Fire Chief:
Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to appoint S. Harter as Fire Chief. Voice vote: all ayes.
Appointment of Fire Officers:
Motion made by Clarke and seconded by Carbonetti to appoint the following officers: Deputy Fire Chief D. Davidson, Battalion Chief B. Pierce, Lieutenant N. Pierce and Lieutenant M. Veronese. Voice vote: all ayes.
Approve Payment of Bills:
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to approve payment of invoices for service and materials totaling $15,655.51. Roll call vote: Condon, aye; Carbonetti, aye; Clarke, aye. Motion approved 3-0.
- Fire Chief: Submitted a contract for the purchase of a new ambulance to President Condon for his signature.
- Battalion Chief: B/C Pierce reports Engine 741 is going to the repair shop for an engine oil leak, pump valve service, and relief valve repairs. Estimated down time is 1.5 weeks.
- Training officer: 1). D/C Davidson reports second part of the Traffic Incident Management class will be conducted in the training room this upcoming month. Also the Fire Apparatus Engineer course offered by the McHenry County College will continue to be offered in the training room. 2). Lt. Veronese reports that a firefighter has become certified as an EMT-B. Also, 3 EMT students are taking their final exams, and 3 paramedic students are receiving positive progress reports. Lt. Veronese gave a brief report was given regarding the new EMS protocols, and he complimented District members on their efforts learning the material.
- Fire /Rescue Association: Lt. Pierce indicated the Association has appointed new members to their board. The Association has established three committees: 1. Longevity Awards, 2. Lock box, and 3. By-Law Amendment.
- Building Maintenance: Installation of outside LED lighting nearly complete. Work to begin soon on roof drainage deicer equipment
- Treasurers Report: Written report submitted. Carbonetti states the District is operating in the black. First distribution of property tax revenue is expected around May 30th. D/C Davidson is hopeful for a partial refund of dispatch center expenses due to a Dispatch Consolidation Grant.
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New Business:
Clarke suggested the District consider recognizing personnel at time of hire, promotion and last day of service. Possible cake and coffee event with all invited.
2017/2018 Budget;
Carbonetti presented the proposed budget for FY 2017/2018. Condon and Clarke indicated their tentative approval. The proposed budget will be submitted for publication. Further action on the budget is scheduled for the meeting on June 13, 2017.
Motion made by Carbonetti and seconded by Condon to adjourn meeting. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion approved 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph P. Clarke, Sec.
Date approved______________________________