Harvard Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes
Held September 11, 2018
Special statement: The audio recording equipment normally used to record the discussions and actions of the Board of Trustees meeting had malfunctioned at the onset of the September 11, 2018 meeting. The malfunction was not noticed until September 27, 2018. No audio or accurate written minutes exist for this meeting. The following is a summary of actions taken as recalled by memory of the trustees in attendance.
Trustee Condon called the meeting of the Harvard Fire Protection District Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 pm in the meeting room of the Fire Station at 502 S. Eastman Street. Present were Trustees Condon, Carbonetti, Hugg, Kelnhofer and Clarke.
Agenda Approval: A motion was made and seconded to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Voice vote. All ayes. Motion approved 5-0.
Audience Participation: Chief Holmes of Boone County Fire District 1 spoke about qualifications to be a fire chief. Donald Carlson spoke about performance of District Trustees.
Approval of minutes:
Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded to approve minutes of the August 14, 2018, Board of Trustees meeting; the Closed Session meeting held on June 12, 2018; the Closed Session meeting held on July 10, 2018; the Closed Session meeting held on August 14, 2018. Voice vote. All ayes. Motion approved 5-0.
Approve payment of Bills:
Motion was made by Carbonetti and seconded to approve the payment of invoices for service and materials. Roll call: Condon-yes, Carbonetti-yes, Clarke-yes, Hugg-yes, and Kelnhofer-yes. Motion approved 5-0.
Hiring of Personnel: A motion was made and seconded to hire Brian Harders as Firefighter/Paramedic. Voice vote. All ayes. Motion approved 5-0
New Business: None.
Correspondence: None
Fire Chief”s Report: Chief Harter gave a verbal report on the activities and actions of the department.
Action Items: None
Motion made and seconded to adjourn meeting. All ayes, motion approved 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Joseph Clarke, Sec.
Date approved:1/9/2019