1. Regular Meeting Call to order (7:05 p.m.)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
  3. Roll Call; Trustee Carbonetti, Trustee Condon, Trustee Hugg, and Trustee Clarke, were present.
  4. Motion to approve the agenda. (Hugg) Seconded by Carbonetti. Vote 4-0
  5. Audience Participation- None
  6. Secretary’s report
  • Approval of Minutes
    • Trustee Clarke discusses recreating the minutes from the September 11, 2018 meeting as there was a recording malfunction.
    • Motion to approve October 9, 2018 meeting minutes. (Hugg) Seconded by Carbonetti. Ayes-4,  No-0
    • Motion to approve Closed Session meeting minutes from October 9, 2018. (Hugg) Seconded by Condon. Ayes-4, No-0
  1. Payment of Bills- Motion to approve September bills in the amount of $32,497.38, and October bills in the amount of 132,821.31 bills. (Carbonetti) Seconded by Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  2. Convene a “Closed Session” to discuss issues covered under the Illinois Compiled Statutes, General Provisions, Open Meetings Act, ILCS 120/2/c/1. Motion (Carbonetti) Seconded by Condon. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  3. Convene to Open Session. Motion (Clarke) Seconded by Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.


  1. Motion that Chief Harter be suspended without pay for thirty-six hours and reduce Chief stipend by $350.00 and for his suspension be served in December by times approved by the board. Deputy Chief Davidson be suspended without pay for thirty-six hours and for his suspension be served in December by times approved by the board. Attorney Ottosen will prepare the order of suspension for signature of the board. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  2. Approve 2018 Tax Levy Ordinance- Motion to approve (Carbonetti) Seconded by Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  3. Approve collective Board consent of Law Firm Authorization- Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  4. Approve Collective Board Appointed Committees- Motion to approve (Hugg) Seconded by Carbonetti. Ayes-4, No-0
  5. Approve Board Committees-
    • Hugg speaks to approving Buildings and Grounds, Personal policies, Financing, Public Education and Fire Prevention Committees.
    • Clarke calls to attention that the District should make updates to the ordinance on Fire, life safety and building codes that the District adopts.
    • C. Davidson asks how the Board plans to appoint the committees and length of term.

Motion to Adopt the Board Committees with revision of terms of committees. (Hugg) Seconded by Clarke. Ayes 4, No- 0

  1. Approve Intergovernmental Automatic Aid agreement between Union Fire and Harvard Fire.
    • Clarke questions language in agreement.

Motion to defer this to legal. (Clarke) Seconded by Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.

  1. Read and accept letter of resignation from FF. Denny Ortlund. Motion to accept resignation (Condon) Seconded by Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  2. Accept resignation from Matthew Clarke. Motion to accept resignation (Condon) Seconded Hugg. Roll call vote; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.
  3. New Business-
    • Discussion on Boards response on tax assessment changes. (Clarke)
    • Attendance at 2019 Northern Illinois Alliance of Fire Protection Districts Conference (Clarke)
  4. Correspondence- None
  5. Fire Chief’s Report;

Call activity October 2018: 144     Total Calls in October




10-False Call or Canceled I route

9-Lift assist

8-Wires Down

6 -Motor vehicle accident with injuries  


   5-Change of quarters


  1-Motor vehicle accident no injuries



1,183    1/1/18 to 10/31/18 – Year to date

1,134    1/1/17 to 10/31/17 – Same time frame last year (up 49)



Advanced Technician Firefighter

5 have completed the OSFM



Kara Bough

Bryton Crosby

Mark Czerwiec

Kyle Dahlke

Bridget Nolan




  • EMT-B: All of our students passed the mid-term          
  • Paramedic: Our two students are at the top of their class
  • Basic FF: Progressing as expected          
  • SCBA Trailer is here for mandatory training
  • Extrication Training next few weeks
  • We are now a 3rd party test site for Drivers License


New Engine:


  • FEMA Grant was submitted
  • State Fire Marshall loan application has been submitted


  1. Motion to Adjourn Meeting- Trustee Hugg, Seconded by- Trustee Condon. Roll Call; Trustee Carbonetti-yes, Trustee Condon-yes, Trustee Hugg-yes, and Trustee Clarke-yes. 4-0.


Joseph Clarke, Sec.

Date approved:12/11/2018